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Business and Money

Get the latest news on your stocks, the Dow Jones index, market analysis, investing, the stock exchange, the economic crisis, the economy, securities, finance, inflation, corporate and Wall Street at the below mentioned websites. At the bottom of this page, you can get the latest financial news from Reuters.

Stock Markets
Economy at Home and Abroad

Australia & New Zealand

NZ Herald
Sydney Morning
The Australian

UK & Ireland

Irish Examiner
Irish Times
The Guardian

Canada & USA

CNN Money
The Economics
Wall Street Journal

At the above listed websites you will find the latest economic news on chemicals, steel, innovation, media, career, sustainability, oil, ports, insurance, investments, mortgage, aviation and tourism.

Investing – An investment is a form of investment that earmarks money for a longer or shorter time in order to obtain financial benefits in the future. Investing is also described as giving up some certain amounts of money in exchange for uncertain income in the future. Legal investing is regulated by the federal securities laws and to a lesser extent by company laws. Everyone is in practice a direct or indirect investor. Although there is a distinction between savings and investments, we are in fact talking about pretty much the same: you invest the money for a fee and thereby you run a risk.
Even at a savings of which we are sure that we will always get back at least the invested money, one is at risk. Firstly, one has the risk of default, because the savings bank can go bankrupt. A much greater risk are long-term inflation risks. If the value of the savings is paid at a lower rate than inflation, one is in practice still poorer. Everyone who contributes to a pension fund or pension insurer puts funds in bonds and shares, sometimes in combination with derivatives such as options and investments in hedge funds.

Transport – Transport is what we call everything that has to do with the transport of goods, and it has always been very important for the world economy. The UK and USA have been importing and exporting products for many centuries, whether its sports goods or game consoles. Transport is often mentioned when we talk logistics, because transporting is so much more than just moving goods from one place to another.

Business News

Currency – Want to know what your British Pound (GBP) or US Dollar (USD) is worth in Euros, for your vacation to Europe? Or how many Canadian Dollar (CAD) you can exchange for your business into the Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY)? Check out the below mentioned Exchange sites, where you can view all the exchange rates in just a few clicks.


Currency UK
FX Exchange Rate
Go Currency


Insurance – An insurance is a contract between the insurer and insured, where the insurer receives premiums, and must indemnify the insured for damage caused by a chance event. Known and reliable insurers for a disability insurance, (motor) bike insurance, animal insurance, legal expenses insurance, travel insurance, life insurance, funeral insurance, home insurance, health insurance, include Admiral, Allianz, Aviva, AXA, BIBA, Blue Cross, GEICO, Insubuy, and iSelect .

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